Welcome to Long Pond
in Parsonsfield, Maine
The purpose of the Long Pond Association (LPA) is to promote the protection and enhancement of the water quality of Long Pond and to preserve its ecological, economic, recreational and aesthetic value. The LPA is a 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID 01-0967755.
The successful treatment of Long Pond in the Spring of 2022 was made possible by the generous contributions from the LPA membership, the West End House Camp, and concerned citizens as well as support from state and local governments. Donations continue to be accepted to support the LPA mission of preserving and enhancing the water quality and overall health of the lake.
Link to our Spring 2022 Alum Treatment webpage for more information.
Bird photos by Jim Whitney
Sunrise over the pond - July 2023
Septic System Inspection Program
The LPA is offering the following assistance to LPA members who wish to have their septic system inspected:
LPA will help schedule and coordinate your septic inspection with a licensed professional inspector.
Priority will be given to older and high-use systems (year-round and rental properties).
LPA will pay 100% of the inspection cost for systems installed before 1974, and 50% of the cost for systems installed between 1974 and 1995.
If you are interested, please fill out and submit this application.
LakeSmart Tips
Help keep Long Pond free of watershed-borne nutrients by following these tips:
RAKING: Don't rake leaves and pine needles. They provide a layer of duff that protects your property from erosion during downpours and acts as a sponge helping to prevent phosphorus entering the lake.
CHECK FOR EROSION: If your shoreline is eroded, plant native vegetation, add rocks, etc. to stabilize it. Check other areas of your property for soil erosion.
SEPTIC SYSTEM: Check your septic system's leach field for any breakouts and consider having the tank pumped every 3-5 years for year-round residences and every 4-5 years for seasonal residences.
FERTILIZER: Do not fertilize your lawn. Phosphorus is a key ingredient in fertilizer and it will eventually make its way into the lake.
BOATS: When preparing your boat for another season, do so away from the lake, including washing it. Check to make sure the boat, motor and trailer are free of any hitchhiking plants. Also, tune up the motor.
DOCK PAINTING: Paint or stain docks away from the lake and allow at least 14 days of drying time before launching.
MORE HELPFUL INFORMATION: https://mainelakes.org/lake-health/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-to-protect-your-land-and-lake/
LPA Dues
The Long Pond Association collects dues from members each year. These dues go toward the operations of the organization, prevention of aquatic intruders, and other programs. Payment of $100 for fiscal year 2025 is due by May 16, 2024. Please submit a check made out to "Long Pond Association" and post it to: Peggy Day, 50 Oakland Ave, Westbrook, ME 04092. Or, pay now by credit card.
LPA Meetings
Interested in what is happening on the pond? Would you like to meet your neighbors? Come to a Long Pond Association meeting! Meetings are held during the summer and open to anyone interested in Long Pond and the surrounding area.
The next general meeting of the Long Pond Association will be held Saturday, August 10 2024 at 11:00am at the West End House Camp on the Road Between the Ponds in Parsonsfield.
See the minutes from all previous meetings. View the Long Pond Association bylaws.
Please have a look at the Long Pond Guidelines for homeowners and renters.
For information on water quality and invasive plants, please see the following websites: